A RMP must identify potential risks which could result in the emission of refrigerant to the atmosphere and outline measures to minimise the possibility of those risks occurring.
Your RMP must reflect risks and measures relevant to what occurs with your refrigerant both on and off the job. This applies whether your business is conducted from a vehicle or building, or whether you are a sole trader or employ 100 technicians.
It is important that RTA applicants understand what is required in an RMP as insufficient RMPs are one of the main reasons RTA application assessments are not approved.
A sample RMP covering the broadest risk assessment is available on the ARC website – click here
Only the risks that are valid for your business should be included in your RMP, and the format and medium of the RMP is at the RTA’s discretion.
Below is a guide to ensuring your RMP has the correct information for your application to be approved – and importantly, ensure all risks are identified and the appropriate measures are put in place to minimise refrigerant emissions.
Activity | What are the main activities you would undertake on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis with regards to handling and storing refrigerant? |
Potential hazards/risks | What are the potential risks of refrigerant escaping associated with the main activities identified in Step 1? |
Australian Standard & Code of Practice reference | You can view the codes of practice online The Australian standards for refrigerants can be viewed at www.standards.org.au |
Risk control measures | What can you do to reduce the potential risks you identified against each of the main activities in Step 2? |
Name of person responsible | The RMP must identify the people responsible for ensuring the plan is implemented and confirm the RMP process is being followed. |
Review date | Identify when the RMP will be reviewed – it must be reviewed (at least annually). It is to ensure activities, control measures and ratings are still valid, including updating those responsible for the RMP and those using it. |